Welcome to

Tourmaline Coaching and Counselling

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."


Do you feel that your life is a constant challenge?

Do you feel overwhelmed by feelings of anxiety or depression?

Do you feel your relationship is in a crisis?

Are you finding it hard to maintain a long-term relationship?

Is life feeling a bit empty or lacking in meaning and purpose?

We often encounter difficulties in our lives, and they can feel like they are controlling us and there is no way through them. Admitting that you need support and reaching out to a professional can be daunting, and it takes a lot of courage, but you can see it as a positive step towards making sense of your feelings and finding positive ways to move forward with your life.

George Perry

Biographical Counsellor & Coach

I provide individual biographical counselling and couples therapy in Stroud and online. I have over 25 years’ experience helping people explore their emotions so they can understand themselves better and find their path towards a better future. I am BACP registered and we can work together online or you can visit my private consultation room within easy reach of Stroud, Gloucester and Cheltenham by car. I offer a safe, comfortable and non-judgemental space where you can share your struggles and I can help you on your journey of self-discovery.

If you are struggling with depression, anxiety, relationship issues, self esteem issues, anger, grief, loss or trauma, please get in contact.

For more information about how individual biographical counselling and couples therapy in Stroud, Gloucester and Cheltenham, and online can help, please see my ‘Issues I help with’ section.

What is Biographical Counselling?

Biographical Counselling is an integrative counselling approach which takes into account the social, psychological and spiritual aspects of the whole person. Its aim is to help you reconnect with your core sense of self, allowing you to heal and develop as a person. It acknowledges that there are rhythms and cycles in our lives, from birth to death, with an overarching narrative, connecting them all. Through the ups and downs we can find meaning and purpose.

When we work together, we may explore these phases of your life, so you can see an overall picture of your journey in life. You will be able to recognise patterns in your life, so you can learn from the past and develop as an individual. Each person’s life is a unique story. Working in this way will help you gain a fresh perspective on your current struggles which can lead to a new sense of freedom and understanding, and find courage for facing the future.

“The Way It Is”

There’s a thread you follow. It goes among

things that change. But it doesn’t change.

People wonder about what you are pursuing.

You have to explain about the thread.

But it is hard for others to see.

While you hold it you can’t get lost.

Tragedies happen; people get hurt

or die; and you suffer and get old.

Nothing you do can stop time’s unfolding.

You don’t ever let go of the thread.

~ William Stafford ~

My Approach

Counselling for Individuals

‘Understanding and accepting that past experiences, however difficult, have meaning and purpose is an important step to becoming confident in facing the future.’

My approach to individual counselling is person centred, offering you a non-judgemental space where you can reflect on your life as a whole and come to your own realisations.

The starting point of working together may be a particular issue you are struggling with, but it may also just be the feeling that you are stuck, and you need to make a change in your life. Sometimes, we reassess our lives and feel that we need to change direction.

With compassion, empathy, and warm objectivity, I will help you explore the story of your life, with you as the author. Through our work, you will reconnect your mind, body and spirit, exploring your life events and cycles with all the opportunities and challenges you have had. This will help you accept your past experiences, recognising your successes and realising that you have the resilience to get through challenges, which will give you confidence about facing the future.

My approach is inspired by the work of Rudolf Steiner, Bernard Lievegoed, James Hollis and others.

Initial Consultation

'Within the difficult times as well as the joyful times, we can find much wisdom in much of what has happened and so discover we have been the hidden author of our own story'

Before we begin working together I offer a free 15 minute telephone consultation so I can find out more about you, your background and the challenges you are facing. From this, we can discuss how I can help and if you want to move forward in the process.

This is also the ideal opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about counselling and working with me, so you feel well informed and confident in your decision about whether to work together or not.

Couples Therapy

‘In couples therapy, the client is the relationship.’

With over 10 years’ experience as a family mediator, I have experience helping couples explore their relationship issues before they reach the point of separation, by which time reconciliation is often much more difficult.

I help couples see that crisis is an opportunity for both to develop themselves and embrace a change in their relationship, whether it’s about communication, a mid-life crisis, parenting or some other issue that they are struggling with.

Many couples struggle with a tension between intimacy and autonomy, between a need for closeness and a need for separateness. Our challenge is to find the balance between the two so that both the relationship and the individuals can grow and thrive.

I see relationships as a path of development. We learn about ourselves through our relationship, including every stage of a relationship, from romance through to a mature interdependence. At every phase or stage, there may be crises of disappointment where couples are more likely to project their feelings onto their partner rather than looking inwards and focusing on their own growth.

We will explore key questions in your relationship, such as: How can we listen to each other? How can we take each other seriously? How can we give each other space? How can we focus on ‘me, you and we’?


'Tell me what you yearn for and I shall tell you who you are. We are what we reach for, the idealized image that drives our wandering.' James Hillman

I use a person-centred approach to help individuals explore themselves, their situation and their perceived obstacles that are preventing them from achieving their career goals. My role is to listen with compassion and warm objectivity to help you understand yourself and your experiences better so that you can find your own pathway towards achieving your goals in keeping with your aspirations.

I have wide experience working with individuals in a range of organisational issues including team building, professional development, managing change or managing conflict in the workplace. This can take the form of coaching, focusing on a specific problem or goal; or mentoring, helping individuals to develop their professional life whatever their field.

I can also work with teams to help build team relationships by developing team communication skills, a team’s ability to manage change, increased motivation, how they work together and build a vision, stay on track and maintain positive working relationships.

Please contact me for more information about organisational coaching, mentoring and team building.

Issues I Can Help With

As a counsellor, I can help with a variety of issues that you may be struggling with.





Self Esteem




Work related issues

Direction and purpose

Please contact me if you are struggling with an issue that is not listed above.

As a couples therapist, I can help with the following issues:




Mid-life and menopause

Changing values, beliefs and opinions

Feeling underappreciated

Life transitions


Please contact me if you are struggling with an issue that is not listed above.

Fees and Availability


Initial Consultation – free 15 minute phone call

Usually I ask clients to sign up for 6 sessions.

50 minute session - £50 (payment beforehand)

I also provide a contract containing all the key information


1 hour session - £70

Organisation Coaching and Mentoring

Working with your organisation in a coaching or mentoring capacity can vary greatly, depending on the needs of your employees. Please contact me for more information about pricing.


Policy Please give at least 24 hours’ notice to avoid being charged for the session


I can work in person or online.

I have a safe, comfortable and private therapy room at my house in the countryside near Stroud so you can explore your issues in complete confidence. The therapy room is accessed through the garden.

Our property is also very close to National Trust Woodland so ‘walk and talk’ therapy is available on request.

There is also free parking available.

I am available to work in person with people from Stroud, Gloucester, Cheltenham and the surrounding areas.

I also offer online counselling and coaching across Britain and worldwide.

George Perry

Biographical Counsellor and Coach

I have been working as a counsellor for 25 years, working one-to-one with clients. My journey began when a local GP asked me to work with some of her patients. Later, I trained in conflict resolution, taking an MSc in Conflict Resolution and Mediation Studies at the University of London and a Diploma in Couple Therapy from Re-Vision, London.

While working as a family mediator with couples going through a divorce, I decided that I would like to work more upstream, helping people resolve their issues before they get to the point of mediation.

During this time I trained as a counsellor, achieving a BACP-recognised Diploma in Biographical Counselling, from Emerson College in Sussex.

As well as practising as a therapist, I have been active for many years as an organisational development consultant in a wide range of companies, charities and government bodies. Latterly, my focus has been as a coach to managers and entrepreneurs.

I run biography workshops, relationship workshops, parenting workshops in the UK and in China. I have a new interest in contemplative photography as an approach to wellbeing and meditation.

I have an interest in collecting and studying Tourmaline. This inspiring crystal is said to be for people who bear a broken heart, as it encourages love, gently disperses emotional pain and dissolves disruptive feelings. It calms the negative emotions that upset relationships. As a gemstone it comes in a wide variety of stunning colours.



“I highly recommend working with George. His experience as a biographical counsellor, and the warm caring quality with which he holds space can only encourage wonderful insights to will us forward into creating a future that serves our best unfolding.”

AB Marketing Consultant

'George is an incredible mentor who has great wisdom and with whom I feel incredibly safe to share my greatest challenges and my deepest thoughts. He is very skilled at creating a trusting space, quickly. His depth and breadth of knowledge and lived experience enables him to see what is going on for me, and he helps me to see my pathway forward to embody my greater potential.'

SB Leadership Coach

" I found retirement like a baffling jigsaw, the certainties of work were gone. George helped me gradually put pieces in place and reveal a picture with purpose and recognition.  Gently challenging, insightful and respectful."

RA Senior Teacher

“I met George 10 years ago when he was my tutor and immediately connected with his very grounded and open presence. Over the past decade I have had the privilege to work alongside him to co-deliver workshops, and more recently he has been my (official!) mentor and coach. George is an incredible human being who has great wisdom and with whom I feel incredibly safe to share my greatest challenges and my deepest thoughts. He is very skilled at creating a trusting space, quickly. His depth and breadth of knowledge and lived experience enables him to see what is going on for me, and he helps me to see my pathway forward to embodying my greater potential.”

SB Executive Coach

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about what I offer or to arrange an initial consultation. This enables us to discuss the reasons you are thinking of seeing me and whether I am the right therapist to help. You can also call me on 07973134739 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first.

In addition to providing face-to-face therapy, I also offer telephone counselling and online sessions for clients in the UK and abroad via Zoom or Skype. Contact me to find out more about how online therapy works.

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